The Iced Stubby

This is a cold recipe

This AeroPress recipe follows the exact steps of Brian Beyke's Stubby Recipe with one simple addition: ICE.

In the original recipe, it calls for 250g of water, but for this we use 150g of water and 100g of ice (still totalling 250g).

It's super quick to make and the flash chill at the end means you don't need to wait to enjoy it.

As with the original Stubby AeroPress recipe, this should produce great clarity and flavour with most beans.

Recipe details:

Metal Filter


Something light and fresh


95°C / 203°F
  1. Add 100g of ice (about 8 cubes) to the cup you intend to brew into.
  2. Invert your AeroPress and set the plunger to just below level 3 marker.
  3. Add your 25g of ground coffee and tap to level.
  4. Start your timer and add 50g of water to your AeroPress.
  5. Stir well.
  6. Fill to 150g.
  7. Put your AeroPress cap on and push down until you see it start to bubble at the filter.
  8. When your timer reaches 1:00 flip your AeroPress onto the cup with the ice in it and start pressing.
  9. Press for about 30 seconds, finishing at about 1:30.
  10. Enjoy!

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