Anthony Tafolla

I took a small look at better coffee in 2021 but in January 2023 I started to dive in head first.

Anthony's saved recipes

From an Enthusiast

15g that made me happier

A twist on the ever-popular '13g that makes me happy'!

From a Barista

Kaldi's Recipe

Bright and fruity, clean and juicy.


2017 Indonesian AeroPress Championship - 3rd Place

2017 Indonesian AeroPress Championship 3rd place recipe by Sigit Tri.


2019 Cataluña AeroPress Championship - 3rd place

2019 Cataluña AC 3rd place AeroPress recipe by Cristian Povedano.

From a Barista

Roastown Coffee: An Inverted Daily Driver

A sweet & juicy inverted recipe from Jason Huang, a barista at Dalian's Roastown Coffee.

From an Enthusiast

Delightful light roasts

A great AeroPress recipe for light roasts and high extraction.

This recipe has a video 393

Love me some acid

2018 Portugal Aeropress Champion shares a recipe to hero the acidy fruitiness of the coffee.

From an Enthusiast

10 grams of Coffee Grounds

A quick recipe that only uses 10g of coffee

From a Barista
This recipe has a video 240


Learn how to brew a sweet and balanced cup of coffee.

From a Barista
This recipe has a video 240


Learn how to brew a sweet and balanced cup of coffee.

From an Enthusiast
This recipe has a video 141

Two Big Cups - One Brew

AeroPress for 2! This recipe produces one large cup of coffee, or enough to share with a friend :)

From a Barista
This recipe has a video 316

Tim Wendelboe

A simple AeroPress recipe for a filter like coffee, as used in Tim Wendelboe cafe in Oslo, Norway.

From a Barista
This recipe has a video 488

James Hoffmann

James Hoffmann's AeroPress recipe for making a good milk based coffee at home.

From an Enthusiast
This recipe has a video 699

13g that makes you happy

Quick & simple. Guaranteed happiness with this clean, balanced and sweet cup.

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We're excited to launch a new membership feature for AeroPrecipe. Create your FREE account to:

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  • 🚧 and more to come...
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James Hoffmann, Ethiopian, Tim Wendelboe