Recent activity
vistor mu has saved No Press AeroPress.
Peter Quade has saved An 'Espresso like' coffee.
Sebastian Castillo has saved AeroPress Espresso.
Denchowski Nope has commented on IAC 2023 - Delhi winning recipe.Thanks a lot for sharing!
Got local fermented beans, recipe worked great - no harshness at all!
My notes for this - used a bit hotter temp (82°) and a bit lesser grinding (maybe 2 clicks from your settings), made my pressing a bit longer, but taste is great anyway!
Peter Quade has upvoted Sunday Coffee with Your Partner - 2 Cups.
Nicholas Hales has saved AeroPress Iced Latte.
Nicholas Hales has saved Vietnamese Iced Coffee.
Nicholas Hales has saved 14g Iced AeroPress.
Bryan Cruz has saved Tim Wendelboe.
Bryan Cruz has saved Delightful light roasts.
Nick Brown has saved Tim Wendelboe.
Nicholas Hales has saved Tim Wendelboe.
Nicholas Hales has saved Freddo espresso .
Elèna Ruyter has commented on Tim Wendelboe.I used Chatgpt to calculate the ballpark in microns based the C3 recommendation. it gave me 28-38 which seems a bit fine for a medium grind the recipe seems to call for but it might be a good place to start :)
Max Burris has upvoted Love me some acid.
Max Burris has saved Love me some acid.
Antoine Victor Vergara has saved 13g that makes you happy.
Antoine Victor Vergara has upvoted 13g that makes you happy.
Wing Chiu has saved The Ultimate Iced Coffee Recipe.
André Reichenbach has saved AeroPress with fruit filter.
Michael Frenette has saved Tetsu Kasuya AeroPress Recipe.
Jacob Ilsø has upvoted James Hoffmann's Ultimate AeroPress Recipe.
Y Batvinik has saved The AeroPress Flat White.
Y Batvinik has saved Béla's farewell coffee.
Y Batvinik has saved Honey Cinnamon Latte.
Y Batvinik has saved Two Sweet Latte.
Alejandro Garcia has saved 13g that makes you happy.