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Denchowski Nope has commented on IAC 2023 - Delhi winning recipe.Thanks a lot for sharing! Got local fermented beans, recipe worked great - no harshness at all! My notes for this - used a bit hotter temp (82°) and a bit lesser grinding (maybe 2 clicks from your settings), made my pressing a bit longer, but taste is great anyway!
Elèna Ruyter has commented on Tim Wendelboe.I used Chatgpt to calculate the ballpark in microns based the C3 recommendation. it gave me 28-38 which seems a bit fine for a medium grind the recipe seems to call for but it might be a good place to start :)
A new user, Nicholas Hales, has joined AeroPrecipe.
A new user, Jacob Ilsø, has joined AeroPrecipe.
A new user, Y Batvinik, has joined AeroPrecipe.

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