17g of Citrus (note: taken down by creator)

A nicely refined AeroPress recipe from Bastian Reinprecht.

This recipe tastes best with coffee beans that have a citrusy note.

Recipe details:

Paper Filter


Citrus flavor


85°C / 185°F
  1. Grind your coffee
  2. Preheat your AeroPress, the server and pre-wet your filter
  3. Add coffee to the inverted AeroPress & tare your scale
  4. Start the timer & add 40g of bloom water, then swirl
  5. From 00:30 to 00:50 add the remaining water up to 220g
  6. At 01:00 stir 4 times, then add the cap to your AeroPress
  7. At 01:10 flip onto the server and swirl
  8. At 01:20 press slowly until 02:00 (all the way down)

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