AeroPress Go Max

A mug is a noticeable feature of the AeroPress Go. There are many recipes to fill the AeroPress Go mug in one brew, including from Alan Adler. Most of those recipes rely on fine-grind coffee, 1:10 to 1:12 ratio, and bypass methods.

This recipe is different because using medium-grind coffee and a 1:15 ratio. This recipe also has repeatable steps which are easy to follow and remember.

📝 Recipe Notes:

  • Key steps: (Pour 125 g of water + stir 10 times) x3

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Recipe details:

Paper Filter


Light or Medium Roasted


95°C / 203°F


  1. Set up the AeroPress Go chamber and place it on top of the AeroPress Go mug.
  2. Add 25 grams of medium-grind coffee to the chamber and level the coffee bed with gentle shakes.
  3. Start the timer, pour 125 grams of hot water into the chamber, and stir it 10 times.
  4. At 1:30, pour 125 grams of hot water into the chamber and stir it 10 times, then immediately put the AeroPress Go plunger in, but do not press yet.
  5. At 3:00, press the plunger until the hiss and put the chamber aside.
  6. Then pour 125 grams of hot water into the mug and stir it 10 times.
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