Coffee Collective Brew Guide

For the AeroPress XL, use 32g of coffee to 460g of water, aiming to finish the plunge at 1:50.

To fully experience the flavours of freshly roasted coffee, ensure you have a quality burr grinder, a scale, a timer, and clean, filtered water. These essentials will help you achieve a balanced and consistent brew.

Credit: Coffee Collective A/S

Recipe details:

Paper Filter




93°C / 199°F


  1. Weigh out 16 g of coffee and grind medium. The grind size has an impact on taste so experiment on your own grinder for best results.
  2. Place the filter paper into the filter cap, screw on the chamber and rinse with hot water.
  3. Add coffee to the AeroPress chamber, set it on a cup or server, place on a set of scales, and tare the scale.
  4. Pour in 230 g water making sure the coffee and water are mixed well.
  5. Insert the plunger and pull up slightly to create a vacuum so coffee doesn't drip through.
  6. At 1 min, remove the plunger and stir 3 times with a spoon from front to back.
  7. Re-insert plunger at 1:10, remove the scale and press down slowly finishing around 1:30
  8. Let the coffee cool for a few minutes, swirl and enjoy!
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