Fuller Flavour Profiles Vietnamese style

Creator:Thien Le

This is a Vietnamese style coffee for the AeroPress, inspired by a CoffeeAdAstra article: https://coffeeadastra.com/2021/09/07/reaching-fuller-flavor-profiles-with-the-aeropress/

Recipe Notes:

For best results, try using a medium to dark roasted coffee - 30% Arabica and 70% Robusta.

Tried this recipe? Let us know what you think, in the comments below.

Recipe details:

Paper Filter


Fine to Medium Fine (12th click on Timemore Slim)
Medium to Dark roasted 30% Arabica and 70% Robusta is recommended, 100% Arabica is also great


95-100°C / NaN°F


  1. Place a dry filter on and screw the lid on tightly.
  2. Place your dry coffee dose in the dripper and shake left-to-right to make it flat.
  3. Pour about 100ml of boiling water - around ② on the AeroPress (if using standard method).
  4. Stir in a back and forth motion from the complete bottom of the dripper all the way to the top. Avoid circular stirs!
  5. Swirl to level the coffee bed. Close the lid.
  6. Around the 5 minutes mark, give the AeroPress another thorough swirl.
  7. Around the 9 minutes mark (or later), start pressing on the plunger gently.
  8. Add a little bit of sweetened condensed milk, a pinch of sugar or several ice cubes in the summer. Trust your taste!
  9. Enjoy!
  10. Try it again using a different coffee ratio, use inverted method, or try adding palm sugar or beanten egg york instead of condensed milk...
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