Iced Brown Sugar Oat Shaken Aeropresso

This is a cold recipe
This drink is a recreation of the popular "Iced Brown Sugar Oat Shaken Espresso" that Starbucks makes.

You will need:
- The basics (An aeropress, water, coffee, filters, etc)
- Oat milk (or alternatives)
- Brown sugar
- Cinnamon
- Ice
- Some container to shake a drink in (protein shaker, flask, etc)

I created this drink by experimenting a ton with different variables, and IMO the result is almost identical to the Starbucks drink.

In this recipe, I have tried to create a coffee base that has a similar volume and concentration to 3 shots of espresso (as the original uses). I initially found this tricky as making 3 espresso-like shots with an aeropress tended to use quite a lot of beans. Usually above 35g. I wanted to create a recipe that used much less beans but yielded a similar taste and I think I achieved that

FYI, you can totally drink the coffee part of this recipe on it's own for a strong americano, or as a base to other drinks. I've found that it is quite enjoyable on it's own.

I'm really excited to share this recipe because I think i've recreated the drink very well. Also, this is my first recipe so feel free to give plenty of feedback on both the drink and the recipe.

Grind size: Espresso-fine. I grind to 8 clicks on a Timemore C2
Coffee beans: I have tested this with a dark, medium, and light roast from Union Coffee. For darker roasts, 20g can be used instead of 25, and the water temperature should probably be dropped to around 80 or 85.
Filter: I use a Koffi Mesh metal filter, but two paper filters should work fine.

Recipe details:

Metal Filter


Any (light roast is recommended)


95°C / 203°F


  1. Dump 25g of finely-ground coffee beans into an inverted aeropress
  2. After heating, pour 200g of 95°c water onto the coffee grounds. Pour slowly, making sure to wet all of the grounds.
  3. Stir for 10s and then leave it to rest for 2 minutes.
  4. During this time, place a filter in the filter cap and wet it. Then, at the end of the 2m, place the filter cap on and flip the aeropress onto a cup or container.
  5. Gently swirl the aeropress for 10s on the cup, and then leave it for 20s
  6. Push down for around 60 - 90 seconds
  7. The coffee is now complete. For the rest of the drink, create a syrup by mixing around 25g of brown sugar, 20g of water, and a dash of cinnamon.
  8. Heat this syrup in the microwave (make sure it doesnt bubble over). Then, add this syrup and the coffee to a large cup of ice. Shake this mixture vigourously (make sure there's a lid or something on the cup lol)
  9. Either poured into a new cup, or in the same one - add oat milk to taste into the mixture.
  10. Enjoy! :)
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