Market Lane AeroPress

This is a nice and simple of brewing an AeroPress, complete with video, thanks to the team at Market Lane Coffee.

As any simple recipe goes, feel free to experiment a bit here with the amount of coffee used and how much you stir - the more you stir the stronger your coffee will be.

Recipe details:

Paper Filter


Medium - Coarse
Something nice and fresh


95°C / 203°F
  1. Pre-rinse your paper filter
  2. Pre-warm your AeroPress
  3. Grind your beans (15g, but feel free to experiment) at a medium level
  4. Add your coffee to your AeroPress in the inverted orientation and tare the scale to zero
  5. Add 200ml water and wait until 1 minute
  6. Stir (you don't need to be too gentle, but the more you stir the stronger it will taste)
  7. At 1:30 add your cap, flip the AeroPress and start plunging
  8. At about 2:00 it should be complete
  9. Enjoy!
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