Rich Flavour Daily Cup

Creator: Andrii

This recipe is an adapted version of 2019 WAC winner Wendelien Van Bunnik.

On the basis of Wendelien's recipe and approach, I've established my own recipe which I use daily (tastes good both with paper & metal filters).

My grind is 2 clicks on Rhinowares Grinder.

Temperature is always off-the-boil.

Tried this recipe? Let us know what you think, in the comments below!

Recipe details:

Paper Filter


Kenya 86+


95°C / 203°F


  1. Grind 16g of coffee (Fine).
  2. Relatively quickly add 140 ml of water.
  3. Stir 14 times (for 10 seconds).
  4. Put the cap with a filter on and push out the excess air. Brew for 1:05 (experiment with brew time further).
  5. Invert and press for 15-20 secs.
  6. Enjoy!

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