Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Creator:Steven Le

Vietnamese iced coffee (Cà Phê Sữa Đá) is known for its sweetness and complexity from its one secret ingredient: sweetened condensed milk.

This recipe recommends using a dark roast coffee with a smoky characteristic (the author uses Hayes Valley Espresso from Blue Bottle).

Try to use a brand of condensed milk from an Asian supermarket (e.g. Longevity Sweetened Condensed Milk).

Recipe details:

Paper Filter


Dark roast with a smoky character (I use Hayes Valley Espresso from Blue Bottle)


90°C / 194°F


  1. Invert the AeroPress. Pre-wet a paper filter in cap.
  2. Start a timer, add 90mL and stir to wet the grounds.
  3. Wait to 2 minutes.
  4. Cap the AeroPress, invert and plunge gently for about 30 seconds.
  5. Stir in about 1 teaspoon of condensed milk, add ice, and enjoy!
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