Happy Mistake

Creator:Michael M

I accidentally ground 18 grams of coffee at 17 clicks on Timemore C2, when attempting to make a smaller brew. Crunched for time, so I decided to give the recipe a spin and was very pleasantly surprised.

The coffee from this recipe is very comparable to something from a V60, with an interesting combination of letting the coffee drip through and then plunging towards the end.

This was based on the Kyle Roswell recipe, but scaled up using a 1:17 ratio.

Tried it? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Recipe details:

Paper Filter


Light roast (Sakura from Second State Coffee)


82°C / 179°F
  1. Start timer, bloom coffee with 50g water.
  2. Stir.
  3. At 0:30 add remaining brew weight in a circular motion up to 306g.
  4. Let coffee drip through (without plunger on) and wait until 1:25.
  5. Stir.
  6. Press until water reaches coffee bed (stop pressing with resistance or hiss), finish around 2:25.
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